Ananda Temple is one of the finest and most venerated temple in
Bagan. It was built by King Kyansittha in 1091 A.D. Of the four standing
Buddha images, the ones on the south and north are original,
comtemporary with the building. Both of the two original standing images
seem to be smiling when viewed from the vestibules, and solemn by a
closer look. Life-size statues of Kyansittha and Shin Arahan is also
enshrined in the western sanctum. In 1968, original mural paintings in
the north and east vertibules were discovered after the lime-wash was
removed by the chemists from the Archaeology Department.
Those lime-wash
were most likely to have been obliterated by some over-zealous devotees
in the later times. The four huge door-leaves still remain at the
entrances of the outer corridor. Those days the stone-socket the bottom
and iron rings at the top of the door socket were commmonly used. The
wood carvings and figures on the door frame and at the top of the door
leaves are later additionally sculptured by King Bayinnaung. Ananda
Temple. Built by Kyanzittha in 1091 A.D., it is one of the finest and
most venerated temples at Bagan. Tradition says that it was built
according to the plan furnished by Indian Buddhist monks, which
purported to be their cave-temple in the Nandamula mountain held to be
in the Himalayas. This temple symbolizes the endless wisdom (Ananta
Panna) of the Buddha just as the Thatbyinnyu symbolizes the omniscience
of the Tathagata. Hence the name Ananda, which changed later to Ananda,
the name of Buddha’s cousin. It is in plan a square of nearly 200 feet
to the side and broken on each side by the projection of large gabled
vestibules, which convert the plan into a perfect Greek cross. These
vestibules are somewhat lower than the main mass of the building, which
elevates itself to a height of 35 feet in two tiers of windows. Above
this rise successively diminishing terraces, the last of which just
affording breadth for the spire which crowns and completes the edifice.
The lower half of this spire is in the form of a mitre-like pyramid
adapted from the temples of India; the upper half is the same moulded
taper pinnacle that terminates the common bell¬shaped pagodas of
BaganThe gilded htee (umbrella) caps the whole at a height of 168 feet
above the ground:
The interior consists of two vaulted and high but
narrow corridors running parallel to each other along the four sides of
the temple. They are connected by low and narrow passages in front of
the window by which light is admitted and further intersected by four
large corridors into which access is obtained through the porticoes. In
the centre is an enormous cube, on the four sides of which are deep and
high niches enshrining four colossal standing Buddhas of the present
world who have appeared and entered Nirvana.
The images are
represented in the following order: north-Kakusanda; east-Konagamana;
south-Kassapa; and west- Gautama. Each of them is 31 ‘feet high above
the throne, which itself is nearly 8 feet in height. Of these images
only those on the north and south are the original ones contemporary
with the foundation of the temple ; those on the east and west were put
up later to replace the original images which were destroyed by fire.
Other Interesting features of the temple are the numerous glazed
terracotta tiles ornamenting the base and the receding terraces which
represent the, Jataka stories and the hosts of Mara’s army. Each of
these plaques is inscribed with a Mon legend. The inner walls are
honey-combed with niches in which are set small stone Buddhas in various
postures. The most notable among the sculptures is a series of eighty
reliefs in the two lower tiers of niches in the outer corridor,
illustrating the life of the Bodhisattva from his birth to the
attainment of supreme wisdom.
The western sanctum also enshrines the
life-size statues of its founder, Kyanzittha and the primate, Shin
Arahan. In the porch on the west face there are two Buddha-pads
(Buddha’s footprints) placed on a pedestal. Each footprint bears the
traditional 108 marks as enumerated in some of the Pali commentaries,
but owing to the gilding and wearing away due to constant washing, some
of these marks have disappeared and cannot be properly identified.
Close to the Ananda is the local museum containing exhibits illustrating
the iconography, architecture and religious history of Bagan. Along the
verandahs of the museum are inscribed stones collected from the
vicinity. They record religious endowments of the Bagan period in
different languages, viz. Myanmar, Mon, Pyu, Tamil, Siamese and Chinese.
The Ananda Temple (Burmese: အာနန္ဒာဘုရား, pronounced: [ànàɴdà pʰəjá]),
located in Bagan, Myanmar is a Buddhist temple built in 1105 AD during
the reign (1084–1113) of King Kyanzittha of the Pagan Dynasty. It is one
of four surviving temples in Bagan. The temple layout is in a cruciform
with several terraces leading to a small pagoda at the top covered by
an umbrella known as hti, which is the name of the umbrella or top
ornament found in almost all pagodas in Myanmar. The Buddhist temple
houses four standing Buddhas, each one facing the cardinal direction of
East, North, West and South. The temple is said to be an architectural
wonder in a fusion of Mon and adopted Indian style of architecture. The
impressive temple has also been titled the "Westminster Abbey of
Burma".[1][2][3][4] The temple has close similarity to the Pathothamya
temple of the 10th–11th century, and is also known as “veritable museum
of stones”.[5][6]
The temple was damaged in the earthquake of 1975.
However, it has been fully restored and is well maintained by frequent
painting and whitewashing of the walls. On the occasion of 900th
anniversary of its construction celebrated in 1990 the temple spires
were gilded. It is a highly revered temple of Bagan.[1][2]
Further information: Ananda
The name Ananda of the temple is derived from the Venerable Ananda,
Buddha's first cousin, personal secretary, one of his many principal
disciples and a devout attendant. It was once known as Ananta Temple,
coming from the phrase 'ananta pinya' in Sanskrit, which translates as
"endless wisdom". However, the word 'Ānanda' in Pali, Sanskrit as well
as other Indian languages mean "bliss". It is a popular Buddhist and
Hindu name. The attributes of the Buddha, his infinite wisdom
"Anandapinnya in Burmese and Pali" is commemorated in its name
The legend associated with building of this
temple ended in tragedy to the builders. Eight (8) monks who approached
the King Kyanzittha seeking alms gave a graphic description of the
Nandamula Cave temple in the Himalayas where they had meditated. When
the king invited them to the palace to hear more details, the monks
invoked their meditative psychic skills and vividly explained to the
King, the landscape of the place they had lived. The King, pleased with
this show of their skills, requested the monks to build a temple in the
middle of the Bagan plains creating cool conditions in the temple. After
the monks completed the temple construction, the King, in order to
retain the uniqueness of the temple, got the architects (monks) killed
to ensure that another similar structure was not built by them anywhere
History of this perfectly dimensioned temple
structure built in 1105 is credited to King Kyanzittha. It denotes "the
stylistic end of the Early Bagan period and the beginning of the Middle
period".[2] The timing of building this temple is considered as a
culmination of religious education that began during the Pahothanya
temple building activity in 1080 AD. The Theravada Buddhism adopted by
the King motivated him to present the teachings of Buddha to his people
in an accurate and a genuine way through the medium of this temple, to
unite Burma under one flag and thus "creating mass religious
enthusiasm". It has been inferred that the King, as the upholder of the
Law wanted to convey his firm belief in the Buddhist doctrine according
to his interpretation:[3]
(He) shall purify (and) make straight,
write down (and) establish all the holy scriptures. (He) shall proclaim
(and) voice the Law, which is even as a resounding drum. (He) shall
arouse all the people that are slumbering carelessly. (He) shall stand
steadfast in the observance of the commandments at all times.
Through the unique iconographic depictions (in stone images, the
numbered jataka plaques and the standing Buddha images), presented in
the symmetrically planned layout of the Ananda temple was built by the
King Kyanzittha to establish and convey his doctrine to his people in a
vivid visual format.[3] It is said that the King who founded this temple
became illustrious in the sphere of Buddhist architecture.[8]
Architectural history
The architectural history of the temple has been widely analysed. While
the Mon architecture of Burmese origin is noted, strong influence of
Indian Architecture from many temples of Bengal and Orissa is very
clear. In this regard archaeologist Duroiselle has made these
observations:[6] "There can be no doubt that the architects who planned
and built the Ananda were Indians. Everything in this temple from
Shikara to basement, as well as the numerous stone sculptures found in
its corridors, and the terra-cotta plaques adorning its basement and
terraces, bear the indubitable stamp of Indian genius and
craftsmanship...In this sense we may take it, therefore, that the
Ananda, though built in the Burmese capital, is an Indian temple." It is
also said that the architecture of this temple greatly represents the
Ananta cave temple in Udayagiri hills in Orissa, India.[8
Frescoes of Buddha from birth to death depicted in the passage
Ananda temple is a perfectly dimensioned stylistic structure, a fusion
of Mon and Indian architectural styles and is the central monument built
in the Pagan valley. It has been built with bricks and plaster
depicting iconographic images in stones and plaques (terra-cotta glazed
tiles) with the main purpose of educating the people of the region in
the religious ethos of Theravada Buddhism and in accordance with the
personal beliefs of the King Kyanzittha.[3][9]
he temple structure
is in the form of a simple corridor. It has a central square of 53
metres (174 ft); gabled porches project out by 57 feet (17 m) from each
face of the square. The superstructure is 51 metres (167 ft) in height
formed by decorated terraces. The total length of the temple from end to
end is about 290 feet (88 m). In the crucifix layout adopted for the
temple, the main plinth over which two receding curvilinear roofs have
been built followed by four receding terraces above it. The four
terraces lead to the top, where it terminates in a small pagoda and an
umbrella known as hti, which is the name of the top ornament found in
almost all pagodas in Myanmar. The core part of the temple, at the
centre of the terraces, is in the shape of a cube, which houses the four
standing Buddha massive statues on its four faces, each of 9.5 metres
(31 ft)height (above a 8 feet (2.4 m) high throne). The spire rises
above this cubic structure. Two passages delimit the central cube, with
the four sides of the cube; each face is decorated with a massive image
of the Buddha. The four entrances are provided with teak wood carved
doors in the interior and these entrances form a perfect cross or
cruciform. A stupa finial crowns each entrance. Jataka scenes (life
story of the Buddha – said to be sourced from Mon texts) are embossed
over 554 terra cotta tiles that decorate the base, sides and terraces.
Each niche, inside the four entrances of the cubical structure, form the
sanctum where standing Buddhas, fully gilded and in different mudras or
forms are deified and worshipped.[1][2][3][6][9]
The two
circumambulatory passages have vaulted roof. In these inner passages,
surrounding the central cubicle, sculptural ornamentation in the form of
80 large reliefs carved out of volcanic rocks, representing Buddha’s
life from birth to death, are depicted. The two main passages have cross
passages also, which provide the link between the porch and the
standing images of the Buddha.[6][10][11]
The external walls of the
temple are 39 feet (12 m) in height. They are adorned with fortified
parapet walls. Each corner has a ringed pagoda.[6
Standing Buddha – Kassapa – South facing
Standing Buddha – Kakusandha – North facing
Standing Buddha – Konagamana – East facing
Standing Buddha – Gotama – West facing
The four standing Buddhas (pictured) are adorned with gold leaf and
each Buddha image faces a direction, from north to south, stated to
represent attainment of a state of nirvana; each is given a specific
name, Kassapa (in Pāli, it is the name of a Buddha, the third of the
five Buddhas’ of the present kalpa (the Bhaddakappa or 'Fortunate
Aeon'), and the sixth of the six Buddhas prior to the historical Buddha)
– south facing, Kakusandha (in (Pāli) is the name of the twenty-fifth
Buddha, the first of the five Buddhas of the present kalpa, and the
fourth of the seven ancient Buddhas) – north facing, Konagamana (the
name of the twenty-sixth Buddha, the second of the five Buddhas of the
present era, and the fifth of the seven ancient Buddhas) – east facing,
and Gotama facing west. Out of the four images, the images facing north
and south are said to be original, of the Bagan-style depicting the
dhammachakka mudra, a hand position symbolizing the Buddha's first
sermon, while the other two images are new replacements, after the
originals were destroyed by fires. All the four images are made of solid
teak wood (some say that the southern image is made of a bronze
alloy).[1][2][3] The four Buddhas placed in the sanctum, called the
"Buddhas of the modern age", give an indication of Buddha's "sense of
the omnipresence through space and time".[3]
The original south
facing Buddha (called the Kassapa) has a unique architectural display,
as, when it is viewed from close quarters depicts a sad look. However,
the same image viewed from a distance gives an expression of
The east and west facing Buddha images are made
in the later Konbaung or Mandalay style. The east-facing image of Buddha
(known as 'Kongamana') is shown holding, between the thumb and middle
finger, a small nutlike sphere – a herb. This herb is said to
symbolically represent the Buddha suggesting dhamma (Buddhist
philosophy) as a cure for misery and distress. In this mudra, both arms
hang at the sides with palms stretching out. This mudra is not seen in
traditional Buddhist sculpture outside this temple.[1][2][3]
In the
west-facing Buddha, titled Gotama, the abhaya mudra is displayed – with
hands outstretched in the gesture of fearlessness. At the feet of this
Buddha two life-size statues made in lacquer, representing the crowned
figure of King Kyanzittha kneeling piously in prayer, and Shin Arahan,
the Mon monk who converted the King into Theravada Buddhism (meaning
"the Teaching of the Elders") and as a primate also crowned the king,
are also displayed. The western portico also depicts two Buddha
footprint symbols on pedestals.[1][2][3][4] An inscription below the
small image of the King states that the King perceived himself as a
"bodhisattva, a cakkavattin and incarnation of Lord Vishnu".[3]
A typical plaque with inscription at the bottom
Plaques are a special feature in the temple complex, which depict
jataka tales; each plaque made of glazed Terra-cotta tiles representing
one story of the jataka. Plethora of plaques is seen on the temple walls
and terraces (five numbers). These are: at the base of the structure
extending, from south to west, there are 552 images of Mara’s marching
warriors intending to attack Buddha, and also a procession of gods; west
to the north entrance warriors are shown vanquished by supernatural
powers of Buddha; southwest comer of the first terrace to the northern
side of the third terrace display 537 plaques, each related to a
specific story from Jataka tales; on the northern side of the second
terrace up to the fifth terrace depictions are from Tey Mi Jataka; the
fifth terrace depicts 547 plaques of stories of Vessantara Jataka in two
parts, 537 plaques in the first tier and the second set above the first
tier on the roof depict 375 plaques of the last ten jatakas, the
Mahanipata; the last ten lives of the Buddha are depicted in plaques of
green colour. There are depictions of camels on the plaques, suggesting
the influence of trade routes on the region.[2][3]
Stone images
The stone sculptures, in the outer vaulted corridors, are considered
unique in Bagan. 1500 stone images (mostly unclear due to wear and tear)
are seen inside the temple. The special images carved from a single
rock (average size is 3.5 feet (1.1 m) high, 2.42 feet (0.74 m) broad
and 1 foot (0.30 m) thick) are those that depict 80 episodes from
Buddha's life. Also seen are forty episodes from the last life of the
Lord Buddha, beginning with an image of Setaketu Deva to Prince
Siddhartha peeping through the tapestry for a last look at his consort
Yasodhara and his newborn son Rahula, before he left the palace for the
life of recluse in the forest.[2][3]
Wall paintings
inside the prayer halls of the temple have been mostly white washed.
Some of the paintings still discernible on the south-west column of the
northern devotional hall have been restored by the Department of
Archaeology of Myanmar. Some of the paintings seen in good condition
are: on the walls and ceiling of the eastern devotional hall; the
pictures of re-appeared Buddha, north of the statue of standing Buddhas,
Arahats and lotus flowers; and floral designs on the western
Other structures
Ananda Oakkyaung is simply a
Monastery built with red bricks, located within the precincts of the
Ananda Temple. It was built in 1137 AD. Paintings of the 18th century
are seen in the walls of the monastery, which also have an inscription
that attributes building of the monastery to three brothers. Shin
Thuddhamma Linkara, a highly venerated monk lived here.
Gate is the only surviving gate of the ancient Bagan city (previously
known as Pagan); the Ananda temple is located to its southeast.
Tharabar, a word derived from the Pali word "Sarabhanga", which
literally means "shielded against arrows". Tharabar was one of the 12
gates of entry to the Pagan city built by King Pyinbya, in 849 AD. Some
stucco engravings of Ogres are still seen on the gate. It is believed
that two spirits protect it namely, the brother "Lord of the Great
Mountain" on the left of the gate and the sister "Golden face" on the
right side.[1]
A field museum has been established near
the Ananda temple in Pagan. The purpose is to study the artefacts in the
ambience of their original settings.[7]
The temple is
also home to an annual week-long festival that is held during the month
of Pyahto (December to January). During the festival, 1000 monks
perform continuous chanting of scriptures for 72 hours. Thousands of
villagers from miles around set up encampments around the temple. On the
morning of the full moon day, they offer gift bowls to the monks in
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